
As a Community National School, we work collaboratively  with parents / guardians in the interest of our children. We operate on an open door policy and will always communicate and meet with parents / guardians informally and formally as the need arises.

We offer the opportunity for you to meeting with your child’s class teacher throughout the year. Our official individual parent teacher meeting takes place in Term 2, and is a face-to-face meeting. This is a great opportunity to discuss the progress, attainment and development of your child. 

We also provide two school reports within the academic year – in term 2 and term 3.

Paul Molamphy is the Principal of GCNS.

Tara D’Arcy is the Deputy Principal of GCNS.

Phil Cheetham, Sarah Jane McDonagh & Aisling Sheekey are the Assistant Principals of GCNS

​​Alice O’Donnell is the Chairperson of the Board of Management.

Notice Board

Enrolment for 25/26 has now closed

Email admin@greystonescns.ie for more information.

Class Time

Infant Clases – 8:45am-1:25pm
1st Class Upwards – 8:45am – 2:25pm

Side Gate Opened Drop Off - 8:30am-9:05am

Side Gate Opened – Infant Pick Up @ 1:15pm

Side Gate Closed - 2:45pm